05.06.2024 - 07.06.2024
Irodalom Éjszakája 2024

08.06.2023 / 19:00 - 08.06.2023 / 22:45
Finnish literature at the Budapest Night of Literature 2023
The Night of Literature (Irodalom Éjszakája) is here once again! The popular event takes place from 7.–9. June at the Budapest Zoo, and is organized by EUNIC Hungary. During the night actors from Comedy Theatre of ...

11.04.2019 / 16:30 - 29.04.2019 / 00:15
Rosa Liksom, Anna-Liisa Ahokumpu sekä paneelikeskustelu suomalais-ugrilaisuudesta Budapestin kirjamessuilla
Budapestin kansainväliset kirjamessut järjestetään 26. kertaa 25.–28.4.2019. Kirjamessujen teemamaana on tänä vuonna Norja. FinnAgora on mukana Norjan ja Suomen suurlähetystöjen kanssa järjestämäss...

12.03.2019 / 13:15 - 29.03.2019 / 00:15
Literature Night 28 March
Pirkko Saisio’s novel The Smallest Shared Dividend (1998) presents modern Finnish literature in Literature Night in Budapest on March 28th. For the fourth year in a row, EUNIC organizes the Night o...

06.03.2019 / 17:45 - 07.04.2019 / 17:45
Katinka Hosszú is the ambassador of the Finnish novel Ihana Meri
Kira Poutanen’s first novel Ihana Meri (trans. Wonderful Sea) was published as the next edition in the POKET series at the end of February in Hungary. POKET is a community building and reading popu...

08.06.2018 / 15:30 - 09.06.2018 / 16:30
Authors of the Tatu and Patu book series Havukainen and Toivonen visit Budapest and Szentendre on 8–9th June
The first Tatu and Patu book was published in Hungarian in 2007. Through the cooperation of Cerkabella Publishing and the translator Laura Bába, 10 instalments of the series have become available f...