
About us

The Finnish Institute in Hungary FinnAgora is an expert and intermediary organisation in Hungary in the fields of culture, science and economy. Our vision is to act as an inspiring, diverse and valued Finnish-Hungarian meeting place, agora. We work to increase interaction and cooperation between Finnish and Hungarian actors. We also aim to create new networks and enable meaningful partnerships that will bring mutually beneficial results between the two countries.

We highlight fresh ideas coming from Finnish society and cultural life, and seek ways to make them beneficial for Hungarian society. In all our activities, we emphasise the importance of citizens and civil society and their capacity to act. We aim for impactful, long-term methods in all the areas of the Institute. 

Founded in 2004, the Finnish Institute in Hungary is one of Finland's 16 cultural and scientific institutes. Our work is based on extensive cooperation with the Finnish, Hungarian and international network as well as a deep knowledge of Finnish culture and society.

FinnAgora's partners include numerous Finnish and Hungarian cultural, scientific, educational and business actors, companies and NGOs. The institute is run by a foundation with representatives from cities, universities, ministries, culture, business and NGOs. These bodies are represented on the Foundation's Board. FinnAgora is supported by the Ministry of Education. The Foundation is chaired by Jyrki Myllyvirta and the Foundation's representative in Finland is Anneli Temmes. 


Board of FinnAgora 2024-2027

(deputy board members in brackets)

  • Chairman of the board Jyrki Myllyvirta (Mikko Lohikoski)
  • Vice chairman Marjo Timonen (Ilpo Jousimaa)
  • Metropolitan Ambrosius (Lauri Savisaari)
  • Pertti Anttinen (Nils Forsgård)
  • Eero Heinäluoma (Eemeli Peltonen)
  • Pekka Huokuna (Sakari Häkkinen)
  • Marika Kecskeméti (Botond Vereb-Dér)
  • Arttu Laasonen (Anna-Maija Viljanen-Pihkala)
  • Sanna Mäkinen (Weikko Kotila)
  • Heino Nyyssönen (Henna Salo)
  • Sami Ylisaari (Anneli Temmes)



FinnAgoran strategia vuosille 2023-2027 (in Finnish).