Audiovisual performance Falling on Sunday 20.2.

Audiovisual performance Falling on Sunday 20.2.

Rozi Mákó music composer’s new performance will debut in Toldi Cinema at the Finnish Film Days. Bori Mákó media artist is creating digital paintings for her live composed soundscape. Their works are drawing a common audiovisual composition by reflecting on each other. 

The performance is part of the five-day Finn Filmnapok film festival, the full program can be found here. Attendance is free. 


Rozi MÁKÓ – Bori MÁKÓ: FALLING / AV performance

Falling apart. Falling asleep. The rain is falling. Falling waters. Falling into the unknown. Falling in love. Falling down. Falling in. Falling into place.

With: Rozi MÁKÓ, Bori MÁKÓ

Creative management: Let it Be! art agency