CENSOR ME, PLEASE exhibition in Budapest in September
Two Finnish artists, Aino Unkila and Marko Alastalo have been working on a long term project called Still, in which they make site-specific video and photo performances in abandoned or vacant buildings in different European cities. The performances explore disused urban places and the social and local history embedded in them. The artist duo build´s an exhibition in every city they have made performances during the project, and it is Budapests turn in September.
Hungary´s juxtaposition point of conflicting political ideologies has inspired Unkila & Alastalo to explore power in different levels in their Budapest exhibition CENSOR ME, PLEASE.
The Still-project and the exhibition in Budapest is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation and Niilo Helander Foundation.
The exhibiton opens the 7th of September at 7 pm
Studio no. 2
Studio of Young Artists Association
Rottenbiller u. 35
1077 Budapest