I started work at FinnAgora in mid-January and since then have had a chance to see many exciting events come together and meet many wonderful people!

In February, the Finnish Film Days attracted a new record audience, as over 1500 people gathered in Toldi cinema to enjoy Finnish movies. Hope to see you there again next year! In March we visited University of Debrecen and ELTE to meet the students and teachers of Finnish language. Later in spring we organised a seminar for friendship congregations that also attracted a record audience, as over 50 activists gathered to discuss the future of friendship connections between the Finnish and Hungarian Lutheran church parishes.

We also made first steps to make FinnAgora more visible in Hungary’s neighbouring countries, as I travelled to Serbia at the end of April to give a lecture about the history of the Finnish welfare society at the University of Belgrade. In May, we enjoyed world-class contemporary dance at the National Dance Theatre in Budapest, as the Susanna Leinonen Company performed their show “Nasty” to a sold-out auditorium. And after that, there was still room for delicious Finnish food, as Taste Finland gathered again hundreds of people to enjoy tasty food, fun games, and good company at the premises of the Finnish embassy.

The spring came to an end with the Literature Night event, organised by the EUNIC network. Finland was represented by Aki Ollikainen’s “Year of Hunger'' that was read by Kinga Újhelyi in Debrecen and Laura Podlovics in Budapest. Many literature enthusiasts came to tell me after the show that based on the short excerpt they now want to read the entire book! To me that sounds like an excellent summer plan. As we are all heading for holidays, I for sure hope to spend a lot of time reading good books, both Finnish and international, at our family summer cottage on lake Saimaa. I hope all the friends of FinnAgora will have an equally relaxing summer, as the autumn will be again filled with interesting events. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay up to date. See you next autumn!


With warm summer greetings,

Riikkamari Muhonen

Director of FinnAgora