The author Sofi Oksanen presenting her newest novel Norma in Budapest
The latest novel called Norma by Sofi Oksanen, one of the most prominent and best-selling authors in Finland, has recently been published in Hungarian. In the original language the novel came out in Finland in 2015.
Oksanen will be present at the book launch of Norma in Toldi Cinema on Thursday the 3rd of November. The event is hosted by the publishing house Scolar Kiadó, which has published all Oksanen’s books in Hungarian. Oksanen has been in Hungary before for example in 2014 as the Guest of Honor at the International Book Festival of Budapest, where she was awarded the Budapest Grand Prize.
The discussion at the book presentation will be in English and Hungarian. The entrance is free, but the guests are kindly asked to claim a ticket at the ticket office.
The 3rd of November at 6 pm
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36-38
1054 Budapest
More information in the FB event