Kati Kovács among the guests of the Budapest International Comics Festival
It is time for the 14th edition of the Budapest International Comics Festival. The 2018 event features Finnish comic artist Kati Kovács whose work Carou-Cell comes out in Hungarian just for the festival. Kovács is one of the best-known Finnish comic artists, her works have been translated into Swedish, German, French and Hungarian. In 2014 she received Finland’s first-ever State Prize for Comic Art and in 1998 she was awarded the Urhunden Prize in Sweden for best foreign comic.
During the day Kati will also take part at an international roundtable discussion. Topics include small press publishing, their unique approach to comics and their personal experiences. The roundtable discussion takes place from 11-12.00 on the main stage. Guests include Kati Kovács, Thomas Kriebaum, and lexandru Ciubotariu. Moderator: Milán Kovács (head of Hungarian small press comics publisher ZSIGER.hu) The roundtable will be held in English.
Budapest International Comics Festival
Venue: Dürer Kert (1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.)
Time: 13th May 2018, 10 AM - 18 PM
For more information please visit the website and the Facebook-site of the event: