Exhibition tour Independence Through the Lenses starts from Budapest in January
Finnish Backlight Photo Festival celebrates its 30th anniversary and Finland’s 100 years of independence by organizing an exhibition tour of seven Finnish photographic artists in Europe. The exhibition “Independence Through the Lenses” tours in Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Lithuania, and Latvia as part of the Programme on the centenary of Finland ´s independence in 2017. The artists presented on the tour are Juha Arvid Helminen, Sara Hornig, Jaakko Kahilaniemi, Riitta Päiväläinen, Harri Pälviranta, Juha Suonpää, and Juuso Westerlund.
Independence Through the Lenses tour begins from Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center in Budapest in January 2017. The exhibition opening takes place on the 23rd.From Hungary the tour continues to FLUSS, Wolkersdorf (April), Galerija Photon, Ljubljana (June), Organ Vida, Zagreb (September), M. Žilinskas Art Gallery, Kaunas (September), Latvian Museum of Photography, in Riga (October), Photoport Bratislava (November), and Photography museum in Šiauliai (November).
For more information, please visit: http://backlight.fi/independence-through-the-lenses/
The exhibition in Budapest is organized in cooperation with FinnAgora and the Embassy of Finland in Budapest.